

A map with almost all street art locations of Leon Keer.
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Leon Keer is one of the world’s leading artists in anamorphic street art. He has created work on canvas and (3D) artwork on the streets across the world (3D Street Art, 3D Streetpainting, Land Art, Murals). His art has been showcased in Europe, the United States, Russia, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, New Zealand, and several Asian countries. In addition to using optical illusion, he often presents his art by adding new technologies, such as augmented reality. The art is temporary, but the images are shared all over the world via social media.

A message seems to be present in his work. Current issues are reviewed, such as environmental concerns and the livability of this world. Leon Keer is constantly aware of the playfulness and beauty versus the degradation around him, a contrast that he expresses and amplifies in his work and which he uses as a metaphor for life.

His paintings reflect his thoughts, confronting the viewer with the diseased spirit of our times, visible decay counter-pointing a timeless longing for unspoiled beauty.

During his career Leon Keer often presented his art by live-action-painting performances. His ability of performing as a street painter, lets him share the joy of painting with the public. The anamorphic paintings are temporary but the images are shared via social media all over the world.

He says: ‘Every street art piece is unique and belongs to the street and its residents, the temporary fact about this artform strengthens its existence’.