
    Solo show at Wanrooij Gallery Amsterdam: Leon Keer – Forced Perspective Show dates: 5 June - 28 August 2021 Wanrooij Gallery in Amsterdam presents a retrospective exhibition of Leon Keer from 5 June until 28 August 2021. The Dutch mixed media artist is

PopEye exhibition at Galerie Wolfsen, Aalborg Denmark Opening 22 june 2020 - 8 august 2020 A fantastic pop-art groupshow with - - - SOLO: Bram Reijnders - - - Ole Ahlberg Van Ray Andy Warhol Erró Leon Keer Frank Hollywood Jeff Koons Barbara van den Berg van Apple Antonio de Felipe Paco Rafaél William Sweetlove Raymond Stuwe   Location: Galerie Wolfsen Tiendeladen 6 9000